Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Eternal Force of the Warrior. For Reflection.

The warrior was tired after the battle. He had fought against a large army. It had been a battle where he didn't sleep, eat or drink during four days. He was really exhausted. Then, he sat on the ground and thought:

" There is an inner battle that is stronger that the one that I just went through, because I have found that my nature is weak if I don't rest. It does not matter whether I was a big castle, I would soon turn into dust and a small wind would knock me down. The battle did not last for many days but if it had lasted one more instant, it would seem like eternity. I realize that I will never be a strong warrior until I conquer my weakness. I need an inexhaustible source of energy but where is it? What is there that makes me capable of crossing rivers, sea, of facing difficulties and even armies, while maintaining my serenity and strength. What can this be? If even the stronger sword breaks, I have not known any thing immortal, everything that exists is like a clay pot, it lasts if taken care of, but it breaks when neglected. Then, what can I do? What is there that makes the arms strong, so strong that nobody can defeat me? "

He, then, was silent, in a deep silence. And from that depth, arose a voice: " The warrior of noble intention, is the one who acts without conditions. The one who has a firm commitment, the one who in truth does not fight. The one whose strength is above and beyond the combat. His eternal force is Love."

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